Limits: Journal Mathematics and Its Application The journal is classified into national's 2nd highest cluster for reputable journal in Indonesia No SK: 1439/E5/DT.05.00/2024 Started from: Vol. 20 No. 3 Year 2023 Until: Vol. 25 No. 2 Year 2028
About The Authors
Donny Citra Lesmana
Departemen Matematika, IPB University Indonesia
Reinhart Hasudungan Sinaga
Departemen Matematika, IPB University Indonesia
Cahya Rila Hadiva
Departemen Matematika, IPB University Indonesia
Muthia Rasya Salsabilla
Departemen Matematika, IPB University Indonesia
Hindana Dzulfa Pratiwi
Departemen Matematika, IPB University Indonesia
Aufa Shahnazdiza Salsabila
Departemen Matematika, IPB University Indonesia
Ravasya Nugraha
Departemen Matematika, IPB University Indonesia
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