Table of Contents
Strength Analysis with Variation of Construction Transverse Watertight Bulkhead On Ship Container 8842 DWT Using Finite Element Method | |
Amalia Ika Wulandari, Suardi Suardi, Alamsyah Alamsyah, Aknul Ciptiandi |
Effects of Collision with a Self-Propeller Oil Barge Ship on a Navigational Buoy | |
Wilma Amir Amiruddin, Ahmad Firdhaus, Hartono Yudo, Firmansyah Aulia Rakhman |
Strength Analysis of LCT Lady Primus 39.5 m Ramp Door Structure Due to Changes in Tilt Angle Variations and Load Variations | |
Hartono Yudo, Kiryanto Kiryanto, Alji Fadilla Adha, Riyanto Wibowo |
Multi-Mold Design For Fishing Boats Southern Coastal Region Of Java | |
Budianto Budianto, Priyambodo Nur Ardi Nugroho, Ruddianto Ruddianto |
Hydrodynamic Model Simulation at the Port of Tanjung Rhu Belitung | |
Sujantoko Sujantoko, Pramudya Adhi Pangestu, Dony Saputra, B. P. Putra Ekianto, Hasanudin Hasanudin, Nani Kurniati, Rindi Kusumawardhani, Dody Hartanto |
Flettner Rotor Modification through Adding Ridges and Fins with Results Comparison to Base Model | |
Nowar Deeb, Achmad Baidowi, Adi Kurniawan |
Design a Phinisi-Type Tourist Ship to Increase Tourist Interest in Vacationing at Taka Bonerate National Park | |
Suardi Suardi, Adhy Rahmat, Wira Setiawan, Muhammad Uswah Pawara, Alamsyah Alamsyah, Andi Mursid Nugraha Arifuddin, Taufik Hidayat |
Systematic Review of Solar and Wind Power Plants for 14-Meter Fishing Boats | |
Nanang Setiyobudi, Agoes Santoso, Eddy Setyo Koenhardono, Achmad Baidowi, Dian Purnamasari, Teguh Muttaqie, Muryadin Muryadin, Fariz Maulana Noor, Ari Budi Setiawan, Ari Kuncoro, Zarochman Zarochman |
Motions Analysis Investigation of a 12 Meter Catamaran Tourism Boat on Passenger Comfort Criteria Case Study "MV Garuda Ngelayang" | |
Yeddid Yonatan Eka Darma, Hery Inprasetyobudi, Rochmad Eko Prasetyaning Utomo, Galih Hendra Wibowo, Ahmad Hidayat, Albert Daniel Saragih |
Delays Analysis Of TRANSKO Tawes 11.3 DWT Mooring Boat Development Project Based On Risk Management | |
Imam Pujo Mulyatno, Samuel Samuel, Feri Adi Mukhlisin, Syaiful Tambah Putra Ahmad |
Numerical Investigation of the Laying of Airbag Arrangements on Launching Barges | |
Alamsyah bin Muhammad Saleh, Christian Hendra Gonawan, Rodlian Jamal Ikhwani, Taufik Hidayat, Habibi Habibi, Wardina Suwedy |
Biodiesel Potentials of Waste Cooking Oil (WCO): Production, Content of Fuel Properties, and Effects on Engine Performance | |
Suardi Suardi, Doddy Suanggana, Basri Said |
Leading Edge Modification of NACA 0015 and NACA 4415 Inspired by Beluga Whale | |
James Julian, Waridho Iskandar, Fitri Wahyuni |
Experimental Study of Wave Reflection on A-Jack Armor Unit on Seawall Structure | |
Sujantoko Sujantoko, Pramudya Adhi Pangestu, Widi Agus Pratikto, Mahmud Mustain, Wahyudi Wahyudi, Hasan Ikhwani |
Analysis Of Docking Space Availability In One Web-Based Application For Shipyards In The Samarinda Region | |
Dewi Sartika, Muhammad Badrus zaman, Nurhadi Siswantoro |
Numerical Study of Kaplan Propeller by Using CFD: Effect of Angle and Blade Diameter Variations | |
Mohammad Danil Arifin, Frengki Mohamad Felayati, Muswar Muslim, Ayom Buwono, Yeddid Yonatan Eka Darma |
Redesigning a 300 ft Barge as a Floating Hotel to Support Tourism in the Thousand Islands | |
Augustinus Pusaka, Erwin Gunawan, Fanny Octaviani |
Performance Analysis of a Point Absorber Wave energy Converter in Nigerian West Coast; Gulf of Guinea | |
Kabiru Olayinka Oyegbemi, Orji U Charles, Douglas Ibiaba |
The Influence of SMAW Welding Current Variation on Tensile Strength, Corrosion Rate, and Microstructure of ST 42 Steel for Inner Bottom Plate Material in Ships | |
Parlindungan Manik, Deddy Chrismianto, Putranda Firman Prayoga |
Stability Analysis of Double Axis Retractable Solar Panel Mechanism for Harbour Tug Application | |
Danang Cahyagi, Sapto Wiratno Satoto, Ihsan Musyary, Haris Susmana, Ranjit Ranjit, Wanda Cantika Putri, Muhammad Regie |
Fatigue Life Analysis of FSO Mooring Chain by Considering the Effects of Offloading Load | |
Hafizh Muhammad Naufal Shidqi, Nur Syahroni, Daniel Mohammad Rosyid, Dewinta Putri Cahyaningtyas |
Fatigue Life Analysis of FSO Anchor Chain with Corrosion Effect | |
Dewinta Putri Cahyaningtyas, Nur Syahroni, Rudi Walujo Prastianto, Eko Budi Djatmiko, Murdjito Murdjito, Hafizh Muhammad Naufal Shidqi |
Joint Types of Keel and Frame of Wooden Boats Built with Modular System | |
Akhmad Basuki Widodo, Mochammad Arief Sofijanto |
Effectiveness of Adding Different Types of Vitamin C in Improving the Quality of Artemia salina sp. | |
Ajeng Sukmasari, Nuhman Nuhman, Ninis Trisyani |
Photovoltaic-Based Electric Tourist Boat Design to Support Island Tourism at the Labuan Bajo | |
Putra Pratama, Mohammad Danil Arifin |
The Flexural Strength and Impact Toughness of Bamboo Reinforced Latex-Asphalt Composite | |
Frisko Yulian Maheswara, Akhmad Basuki Widodo, Bagiyo Suwasono |
Analysis of Performance Losses Related to Shaft Angle on Fishing Boats Using the Free Running Model Test Method | |
Aang Wahidin, Rachmad Tri Soelistijono, Fitri Hardiyanti, Lilik Subiyanto, Gaguk Suhardjito, Subagio So’im |
Study of Variation of Binder Materials On Permeability Of Foundry Green Sand | |
Widya Emilia Primaningtyas, Farizi Rachman, Tisya P. Ramadhani, Aminatus Sa'diyah |
Influence of Slat Size Variation as Passive Flow Control Instruments on NACA 4415 Airfoil Toward Aerodynamic Performance | |
James Julian, Rizki Aldi Anggara, Fitri Wahyuni |
Hydrostatics Curve Approach as a Design Development of Fishing Canoe With Bilge Keel to Improve Rolling Period | |
Bima Ramadhani, Yeddid Yonatan Eka Darma, I.G.N.A. Satria Prasetya, Mohammad Danil Arifin |
Cover | |
International Journal Marine Engineering Innovation and Research |
Contents and Back Cover | |
International Journal of Marine Engineering Innovation and Research |
Editorial Board | |
International Journal of Marine Engineering Innovation and Research |
Abstracted / Indexed by:
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P-ISSN: 2541-5972
E-ISSN: 2548-1479
IJMEIR journal published by Department of Marine Engineering, Faculty of Marine Technology, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya Indonesia under licenced Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International Licence. Based on