Table of Contents
Effect of Variation of Adsorbent and pH Doses on Boron Adsorption Using DMAPAA-co-DMAPAAQ Hydrogel |
Aldi Nugroho, Silma Elvaretta Aska, Dimas Gilang Venanto, Erlangga Ardiansyah, Lulu Sekar Taji, Eva Oktavia Ningrum |
25-33 |
OBSAFER: Hydrogen Power Plant from Soybean Straw and Tofu Liquid Waste in Kediri District |
Aldi Nugroho, Yohanes Maruli Arga Septianus, Miladia Faizin, Muhammad Dimmas Firdaus, Ahmad Rifaldi Rafi Afwa, Amelia Bahetha, Salsabila Aminatun Muthmainnah |
44-50 |
Development and Analysis of an Innovative Precast Concrete U-Shell Beam |
Budi Suswanto, Data Iranata, Yanisfa Septiarsilia, I Gusti Putu Raka |
67-78 |
Technical Study of Ship Plate Firing Process Time with Variation of Deformation Values |
Sinung Widiyanto, Didik Hardianto, Tri Agung Kristiyono, Bagus Kusuma Aditya, Safriudin Rifandi |
34-43 |

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