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IPTEK Journal of Proceedings Series No 1 (2017): The 2nd International Conference on Civil Engineering Research (ICCER) 2016 Analysis Strategy of Building Utilization Optimizing in Public Works Training Center Region IV Surabaya Abstract   PDF
Heru Kurniawan, I Putu Artama Wiguna, Retno Indryani
IPTEK Journal of Proceedings Series No 5 (2019): The 1st International Conference on Business and Management of Technology (IConBMT) Analysis Suppliers Selection of the Construction Raw Material in PT. Y Using VIKOR Method Abstract   PDF
Octavia Olga Citra Dewi, Erma Suryani
International Journal of Marine Engineering Innovation and Research Vol 5, No 4 (2020) Analysis Symmetrical Blade Propeller Performance for Jalapatih 3 Ship Using CFD Abstract   PDF
Edi Jadmiko, Tony Bambang Musriyadi, Abdi Sauqi Akram
IPTEK Journal of Proceedings Series No 1 (2020): The 1st International Conference on Business and Engineering Management (IConBEM) Analysis The Effect of Bidding Process on Project Performance in PT Pelabuhan Indonesia III (Persero) Abstract   PDF
Gita Prestalita, I Putu Artama Wiguna, Vita Ratnasari
International Journal of Marine Engineering Innovation and Research Vol 8, No 1 (2023) Analysis the Effect of Size Variation and Spraying Pressure of Steel Grit on Corrosion Rate of Astm A36 Steel Materials Abstract   PDF
Ari Wibawa Budi Santosa, Iqbal Fahrudin, Ocid Mursid, Imam Pujo Mulyatno, Joko Subekti
IPTEK Journal of Proceedings Series No 5 (2019): The 1st International Conference on Business and Management of Technology (IConBMT) Analysis The Effect of Total Quality Management, Technology, and Knowledge Management on Product Quality in Indonesia Construction Industry Abstract   PDF
Mohammad Yogie Latansa, Tri Joko Wahyu Adi, Mohammad Arif Rohman
IPTEK Journal of Proceedings Series No 6 (2017): The 3rd International Conference on Civil Engineering Research (ICCER) 2017 Analytical Investigation of the Applicability of Seismic Devices for Core Frames System in High-Rise Buildings Abstract   PDF
Dyah Kusumastuti, Muslinang Moestopo, Mega Suci Ramadhita, Erwin Lim, Randy Tanderan, Undagi Kausar Akbar
IPTEK Journal of Proceedings Series No 6 (2018): International Conference on Advanced Engineering and Technology (ICATECH) 2018 Analytical study of reduced beam sections under monotonic load Abstract   PDF
Cintantya Budi Casita, Zetta Rasullia Kamandang
Kurdian Suprapto, Tavio Tavio, Yanuar Siscaria Rahmawati
IPTEK Journal of Proceedings Series No 6 (2020): 6th International Seminar on Science and Technology 2020 (ISST 2020) Analyze the Polishing Process Unit Dynamics in PT. SIPL Using Artificial Neural Networks Abstract   PDF
Kusnandi Sugiato, Totok Sohartanto
IPTEK Journal of Proceedings Series No 1 (2020): The 1st International Conference on Business and Engineering Management (IConBEM) Analyzing Factors That Influence the Behavior Intention of Consumer in Purchasing the Surabaya Apartment Abstract   PDF
Tika Dwi Septiani, Satria Fadil Persada
International Journal of Offshore and Coastal Engineering (IJOCE) Vol 4, No 1 (2020) Analyzing the Effect of Variation in Shielding Gas Flow Rate and V Groove Type Towards Tensile and Metallographic Testing of GMAW Weld Joint of ASTM A53 and A36 Abstract   PDF
Herman Pratikno, Andrea Novia Samiyono, Wimala Lalitya Dhanistha
IPTEK The Journal of Engineering Vol 10, No 2 (2024) Analyzing the Performance of Reverse Osmosis Membranes After the Cleaning Process: Case study Performed at PT. XYZ. Abstract   PDF
Moh. Azhar Afandy, Khusnul Khatimah, Fikrah Dian Indrawati Sawali
International Journal of Marine Engineering Innovation and Research Vol 8, No 4 (2023) Anchor Analysis of the FPSO Spread Mooring System During Offloading Abstract   PDF
Arif Fadillah, Natasyah Dewanti, Rizky Irvana
IPTEK Journal of Proceedings Series Vol 1, No 1 (2014): International Seminar on Applied Technology, Science, and Arts (APTECS) 2013 Android App for Information of Food Additives Contained in Packaged Foods Abstract   PDF
Umi Sa'adah, Tita Karlita, Muchammad Arfian
International Journal of Marine Engineering Innovation and Research Vol 9, No 1 (2024) Annex IV Marine Pollution (MARPOL) Application for Pollution Prevention on Ketapang-Gilimanuk Route Crossing Vessels with Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) Method Abstract   PDF
Agung Pangestu Hadi, Engki Andri Kisnarti, Erik Sugianto
IPTEK Journal of Proceedings Series No 5 (2019): The 1st International Conference on Business and Management of Technology (IConBMT) Antecedents of Behavioral Intentions on Online Travel Agent Company: Comparison between Generation X and Millennial Abstract   PDF
Faisal Arsya Rakhmada, Sri Rahayu Hijrah Hati
Akta Kimia Indonesia Vol 9, No 1 (2024) Antiinflamasi Ekstrak Daun Trembesi (Samanea saman (Jacq.)Merr.) Terhadap Ekspresi Enzim Siklooksigenase-2 (COX-2) Abstract   PDF
Nikmatus Sa'adah, Prima Agusti Lukis, Arilis Larasati Ode Asri, Istiati Istiati, Yolanda Kartika Asmarani, Iqbal Moch Moelok, Agus Aan Adriansyah, Budhi Setianto
IPTEK The Journal for Technology and Science Vol 23, No 4 (2012) Antimicrobial Assay of Soil Mold Isolates from Wonorejo Surabaya Abstract   PDF
Septia Arisanti, Nengah Dwianita Kuswytasari, Maya Shovitri
IPTEK Journal of Proceedings Series No 1 (2018): 3rd International Seminar on Science and Technology (ISST) 2017 AODV-PNT Performance Study with Added Factor Number of Neighbor Nodes on VANET Abstract   PDF
Grezio Arifiyan, Supeno Djanali, Radityo Anggoro
IPTEK Journal of Proceedings Series No 6 (2020): 6th International Seminar on Science and Technology 2020 (ISST 2020) Apartment Façade Design Characteristics for Middle and Upper Occupants with Ecological Design Approach Abstract   PDF
Yoga Pramatatya, Vincentius Totok Noerwasito, Arina Hayati
Limits: Journal of Mathematics and Its Applications Vol 1, No 2 (2004) Aplikasi Analisa Multivariate dan Analisa Regresi Linier Berganda pada Proses Pengolahan Air Minum Abstract   PDF
Soehardjoepri Soehardjoepri
Gogor Arif Handiwibowo, Abdullah Shahab
Jurnal Geosaintek Vol 3, No 3 (2017) Aplikasi Citra Satelit Landsat 8 Untuk Identifikasi Daerah Prospek Panas Bumi Daerah Songgoriti Batu Dan Sekitarnya Abstract   PDF
B Harjo Agung, Alifiansyah Faizal, Arwin Anggi, Ayi Syaeful Bahri, Widya Utama
Geoid Vol 17, No 2 (2022) Aplikasi Data SAR-Mode Level 2 Satelit Cryosat-2 untuk Pengamatan Inland Water di Danau Towuti Abstract   PDF
Ahmad Saifudin, Eko Yuli Handoko
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