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IPTEK The Journal for Technology and Science Vol 20, No 4 (2009) Detecting Springs in the Coastal Area of the Gunungsewu Karst Terrain, Yogyakarta Special Province, Indonesia, Analysis using Fractal Geometry Abstract   PDF
Sari Bahagiarti Kusumayudha Sari Bahagiarti Kusumayudha
IPTEK Journal of Proceedings Series Vol 1, No 1 (2014): International Seminar on Applied Technology, Science, and Arts (APTECS) 2013 Detection of Critical Situation of Longitudinal Vehicle Dynamics Abstract   PDF
Widya Nila Velayati, Sebastien Varrier
Jurnal Fisika dan Aplikasinya Vol 11, No 1 (2015) Deteksi Aritmia pada Elektrokardiogram dengan Metode Jaringan Syaraf Tiruan Kelas Jamak menggunakan Fitur Interval RR, Lebar QRS, dan Gradien Gelombang R Abstract   PDF
Mar’atus Solikhah, Nuryani Nuryani, Darmanto Darmanto
Jurnal Aplikasi Teknik Sipil Vol 12, No 2 (2014) Deteksi Kerusakan dan Penempatan Sensor Percepatan Berbasis Respons Dinamis Struktur: Kasus Jembatan KA Porong, Sidoarjo Abstract   PDF
Tri Susanto, Agung Budipriyanto
Jurnal Geosaintek Vol 3, No 2 (2017) Deteksi Persebaran Air Lindi Menggunakan Inversi VLF-EM Studi Kasus TPA Ngipik Abstract   PDF
Khairul Yadi, Dwa Desa Warnana, Juan Pandu Gya Nur Rochman, Nila Sutra, Ria Asih A. Soemitro
Geoid Vol 18, No 1 (2022) Deteksi Perubahan Suhu Permukaan Tanah dan Hubungannya dengan Pengaruh Albedo dan NDVI Menggunakan Data Satelit Landsat-8 Multitemporal di Kota Palu Tahun 2013 - 2020 Abstract   PDF
Nia Kurniadin, Muhammad Yani, Nurgiantoro Nurgiantoro, Annafiyah Annafiyah, F. V. Astrolabe Sian Prasetya, Radik Khairil Insanu, Romansah Wumu, Shabri Indra Suryalfihra
Geoid Vol 13, No 2 (2018) DETEKSI PIPA BAWAH LAUT DENGAN DATA MULTIBEAM ECHOSOUNDER (Studi Kasus: Muara Bekasi) Abstract   PDF
Danar Guruh Pratomo, Khomsin Khomsin, Dody Pambudhi
Khomsin Khomsin, Danar Guruh Pratomo
Inferensi Special Issue: Seminar Nasional Statistika XI 2022 Determinan Faktor Rendahnya Kepemilikan Jamban Keluarga dengan Regresi Logistik di Desa Penen, Kabupaten Deli Serdang, Sumatera Utara Abstract   PDF
Novrika Silalahi, Elmina Tampubolon
Inferensi Special Issue: Seminar Nasional Statistika XI 2022 Determinan Kepemilikan Jaminan Kecelakaan Kerja pada Pekerja Informal di Provinsi Jawa Timur Abstract   PDF
Hery Wahyu, Lia Yuliana
Inferensi Vol 6, No 1 (2023) Determinan Utang Luar Negeri Indonesia Tahun 1981-2020 Abstract   PDF
Rina Dwi Octavianti, Budyanra Budyanra
IPTEK Journal of Proceedings Series No 1 (2020): The 1st International Conference on Business and Engineering Management (IConBEM) Determinants of Bankruptcy Banking after the Global Financial Crisis (GFC): Theoritical Review Abstract   PDF
Asfahan Amir Ishak, Abdul Mongid
IPTEK The Journal for Technology and Science Vol 31, No 2 (2020) Determinants of Behavior Intention and Use Behavior among Bukalapak’s Consumers Abstract   Full Text
Oxsy Giandi, Isa Irawan, Rita Ambarwati
Inferensi Vol 7, No 1 (2024) Determinants of PM2.5 Concentration in DKI Jakarta Province: A VAR Model Approach Abstract   PDF
Bertolomeus Laksana Jayadri, Mafitroh Pangastuti, Muh Farhan, Fitri Kartiasih
Jurnal Fisika dan Aplikasinya Vol 15, No 3 (2019) Determinasi Kandungan pada Campuran Lemak Babi dengan Sapi menggunakan Spektroskopi Inframerah Dekat dan Partial Least Square Regression Abstract   PDF
rizki esta agustin
IPTEK Journal of Proceedings Series No 1 (2015): 1st International Seminar on Science and Technology (ISST) 2015 Determination Analysis of Dish Collector Focal Shape in Vertical and Horizontal Direction of Concentrating Solar Power System Abstract   PDF
Dany Iman Santoso, Djatmiko Ichsani
IPTEK Journal of Proceedings Series No 1 (2020): The 1st International Conference on Business and Engineering Management (IConBEM) Determination of Conventional Transportation for ADL Pathway in Malang City Abstract   PDF
Suta Dwi Atmawiyanur, Nelly Budiharti, Emmalia Adriantantri
IPTEK Journal of Proceedings Series No 6 (2020): 6th International Seminar on Science and Technology 2020 (ISST 2020) Determination of Fitness Center Design Criteria with the Approach of Natural Shape and Forms in Surabaya Abstract   PDF
Pande Putu Dwi Novigga Artha, Bambang Soemardino, Fransiscus Xaverius Teddy Badai Samodra
JMES The International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Sciences Vol 5, No 2 (2021) Determination of Injection Molding Process Parameters using Combination of Backpropagation Neural Network and Genetic Algorithm Optimization Method Abstract   PDF
Arif Wahjudi, Thenny Daus Salamoni, I Made Londen Batan, Dinny Harnany
IPTEK The Journal for Technology and Science Vol 34, No 2 (2023): On Progress Determination of Location and Severity of Nodules on Lung Cancer CT Image Using YOLO Methods Abstract   Full Text
Hanun Masitha Ramadhani, Chastine Fatichah
International Journal of Marine Engineering Innovation and Research Vol 4, No 3 (2019) Determination of Maintenance Task on Rotary Equipment Using Reliability Centered Maintenance II Method Abstract   PDF
Dwi Priyanta, Nurhadi Siswantoro, Rizky Agung Sukandar
Alfaridzi Meifano, Bondan Novanis Punto Aji
IPTEK The Journal for Technology and Science Vol 19, No 3 (2008) Determination of Nucleotide Sequences of Mitochondrial Plasmid pGT704 of Paramecium caudatum Abstract   PDF
T.E. Tallei, M.R. Moeis, H. Endoh, W. Utama
Journal of Infrastructure & Facility Asset Management Vol 6, No 1 (2024): Journal of Infrastructure & Facility Asset Management Determination of Optimum Mixture Between FABA and Local Fill Soil for Road Embankment. Case study: Road Preservation of Sp. Kereng - Bereng Bengkel – Pilang – Pulang Pisau, Central Kalimantan Abstract   PDF
Raden Hisyam Syauqi Al Ghifari, Noor Endah Mochtar, Soendiarto Soendiarto
IPTEK Journal of Proceedings Series No 3 (2020): International Conference on Management of Technology, Innovation, and Project (MOTIP) 2020 Determination of Optimum Point of Composition of Fuel Calories in Producing electrical Energy in Coal Fired Power Plant Abstract   PDF
Jonathan Dian, Wahyu Wibowo
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