Table of Contents
Analysis of The Effectiveness of Household Scale Smart Window Panel as a New Renewable Energy Source Using PVsyst Software |
M Aldi Nugroho, Salsabila Aminatun Muthmainnah, M. Akbar Miftahuzaman, Yohanes Maruli Arga Septianus, Muhammad Irsyad Ivana Akmal, Muhammad Sholeh, Vincentius Glorio Fransduard Gospely Goldant, Cahyaning Hanum Pertiwi |
41-46 |
Characterization of Hydroxyapatite From Kupang Shells and Its Synthesis with Polycaprolactone for 3D Printing Filament |
Achmad Ferdiansyah Pradana Putra, Eva Oktavia Ningrum, Elsabella Adiguna, Muhammad Garin, Rafi Rajfan Hanif, Agus Surono |
47-51 |
Carment: Magnesium Cement From Glass Waste As A Solution To The Cement Industry's Carbon Emission Problems |
Muhamad Bahrul Ulum, Gracella Audrey Toar, Jihad Akbar Hadrani, Erika Desi Cahyani, Zel Andesra, M Aldi Nugroho |
52-56 |
Characterization of Type-III Resistant Starch Produced by High Shear Mixing Combined with Membrane Separation |
Putu Ayu Yuliani Indiasih, Muhammad Faturahman Almuhaimin, Muh. Abdillah Taufiqurrahman, Bramantyo Airlangga, Sumarno Sumarno |
73-77 |
Effect of Steam Delignification and Bleaching Process on Pineapple Leaf Fiber as Textile Raw Material |
Warlinda Eka Triastuti, Suprapto Suprapto, Agus Surono, Mochammad Zayyan Difa Fadhillah, Regita Syahra Ramadhan, Sunia Rahma Cahyaning Tyas, Hanifah Fauziyah Zahrah |
78-82 |

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